Saturday, December 16, 2006

Now what?

With the holidays approaching, we all start to get a bit antsy. Did I get all the presents that I wanted for those people that care most in my life? Am I mentally prepared for the inquisition that will befall me when I get to "Grandma's" house? Will my diet survive the holiday food. Oh so much to ponder. I think pondering astrophysics and quantum mechanics would be easier. Well, enough of this. It is time to suck in the stomach and admire the "new" me and just throw caution out the window. It will be an adventure and only when I get home and ponder over the whole scene will I be able to lie back and say, "Ah, that was worth all the worry and anticipation." As for the diet, "Ok where is that order form for Nutri-Systems and for the Bowflex?" Time to start anew and hope I lose even more before the next get together. Let us all chant, "You can do it, you can do it ..."

Seasons Greetings,

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